Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Safe Arrival

We have arrived safely in Shanghai and have been here about 2 days now. I haven't yet been able to post a real entry here yet because of the initial trouble of the Chinese government blocking the other blog site and since then just being so busy.

Our travels went about as well as could be planned. We did not have a single delay, and on the longest flight (LAX - Seoul) Megan and I slept for the majority. All in all, it took us about 29 hours door to door. 
A sign in the Seoul airport near the food court.

Megan creating her most delicious happiness.

We arrived at the hotel, which is actually on a college campus, at about noon. It was a struggle to stay awake most of the day, but we explored the area around the hotel for most of the afternoon and managed to fight off the jet lag until 8:30 pm.

Orientation has been good so far, if I have some more time this afternoon I'll post more about that. 

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